Thursday, November 13, 2008


I really enjoy writing. Normally I write short, humorous true stories from my real life experiences. Recently, I was told by several people that I should pursue finding an outlet that would publish some of my ramblings. I suppose it might be possible to get published but like any artist sharing your work with the world is a scary proposition.

As much as I like writing I really don't like blogging. I feel like I am writing stuff to write stuff and unfortunately it isn't good stuff. Is anybody really reading this drivel? I suppose for some people this blogging crap is a good way to vent about what is happening in their world, classes, and lives. I know blogs have become one of the favorite modes of communication. Writing whatever you want about whatever topic you think is important might be theraputic for some but I am reluctant.

My aversion to writing this blog is maybe a manifestation of my own insecurities about exposing myself, wait that doesn't sound good, to the world. Maybe I need to be a little more open minded about blogging. Boy, the more I think about blogging I feel myself just wanting to keep writing and writing. However, before I start to bore anybody who is reading this I should stop.

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